You've finally decided to retire your old printer, for which you couldn't even find the cartridges anymore, and replace it with a more modern one with wireless support but you can't get the wireless connection to work in any way. Fault of a fault? It's not for sure. Although advertised as very easy to use, wireless printers are often not exactly easy to set up for those who are not very computer literate. In fact, often and not too willingly, more attempts must be made to establish a correct connection between the computer and the latter. However, don't worry, given your difficulty, I can help you connect the WiFi printer to your PC. In fact, with today's guide, I will tell you, step by step, everything you need to do before you can connect a WiFi printer to your PC and resolve any problems you may have encountered during the configuration phase. Just carry out some special steps in the Windows control panel or, if the one you used was a Mac, in the OS X syst...