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Showing posts from December, 2019

How to connect WiFi printer to PC

You've finally decided to retire your old printer, for which you couldn't even find the cartridges anymore, and replace it with a more modern one with wireless support but you can't get the wireless connection to work in any way. Fault of a fault? It's not for sure. Although advertised as very easy to use, wireless printers are often not exactly easy to set up for those who are not very computer literate. In fact, often and not too willingly, more attempts must be made to establish a correct connection between the computer and the latter. However, don't worry, given your difficulty, I can help you connect the WiFi printer to your PC. In fact, with today's guide, I will tell you, step by step, everything you need to do before you can connect a WiFi printer to your PC and resolve any problems you may have encountered during the configuration phase. Just carry out some special steps in the Windows control panel or, if the one you used was a Mac, in the OS X syst...

Make Your Abode an Energy Efficient Place with a Handyman in Dubai

Challenges appear as the winter season is about to come. Home maintenance is one of those challenges that strike our minds in the first place. So, if you are hit by the same challenges, then you would require a handyman to tackle all repairs and maintenance works for your house. Hence, it is really a good idea to leave the entire work with a renowned  handyman Dubai .  House maintenance can be done regardless of the prevailing weather conditions. But, your home requires special maintenance to cope up with the chilling winters. Competent handymen are trained to provide all sorts of services at any time of the year.  Find out Why You Need to Hire a Handyman in Dubai for a Winter House Upkeep: Professional handymen maintain a provision of simple tools, spare parts, and devices necessary for minor repairs. Thus, you should call a local expert to complete the essential tasks before the winter sets in. Winter is the particular time when handymen don’t remain so...

The future of printers in a world without sheets

The digital transformation of companies is a process that has lasted for about twenty years, however, the exponential technological growth that we are experiencing opens up to a scenario: is the idea of ​​an office without paper documents really possible? A Premise: Digital Transformation Our analysis must necessarily take a step back to understand where this drive for constant growth comes from. The digital transformation in a company 's every process that takes advantage of new technologies to make substantial changes in terms of devices and instruments, culture, operations and workflows. Companies are - or should be - always prone to digital transformation, since the search for new models and processes has two fundamental and opposing objectives, like two sides of the same coin: the generation of new value and survival. Where is the value for a company Digital transformation generates value because it acts on processes that return an immediate economic profit. C...

What it takes to replace the battery

What does it take to replace the battery?  Many answers: It is enough to remove two screws ... It is not really so. What you see is the necessary professional equipment supplied to us  Official Assistance Centers for the replacement of the Galaxy S6 battery! Replacing the battery of a Samsung Galaxy S6 smartphone is an operation that must be carried out exclusively by real professionals, who have both the skills and training of the manufacturer and the professional equipment to complete the job. Furthermore, most of the smartphones currently on the market are based on components that must be replaced at each opening, otherwise the long-term malfunction of the terminal.  Addressing unauthorized operators often specialized in enchanting with fine words, there is a risk that certain parts will not be replaced. Starting from the screws, which must be fixed with a certain Newton / Metro force, each component of an electronic devices must be treated correctly. O...